Maruti Suzuki Launched the Ertiga and created a new segment in India. Maruti launched the Ertiga in 2012 and it was a instant success. Before the first year Maruti sold more than 70,000 Ertiga which is quite a big number considering that our market was declining. Now Maruti Suzuki is celebrating the first year anniversary of Ertiga with a special limited Edition. The Anniversary Edition model comes with Chrome grill,chrome on the fog lamps and Anniversary edition stickers on the outside.
On the interior special edition will get a new touch screen audio system with GPS navigation which the SX4 recently got through the Facelift. Maruti will also give leather seat covers to make the Ertiga little more luxurious. We are not expecting mechanical upgrades. Maruti Suzuki Ertiga is powered by 1.4 L K-Series petrol engine and 1.3 L Multi-jet diesel engine. After the Indian Launch Ertiga was launched in Indonesia and like the India it was a big success there also. Now the Ertiga will be sold under the Mazda badge also with some cosmetic changes.
source : Goa on wheels